
How to restore a classic car when we’re not sure about its line?
11 January 2023 |

How do we proceed in Brandoli, in similar cases?

The Customer assigns us with the restoration of their classic Ferrari car which is incomplete, deteriorated, often having been repaired badly in the past by other bodyshops that did not really know the product.

What is more, there is little, if any, certain information on its history and many uncertainties about the bodywork line.

How do we proceed in Brandoli, in similar cases?

We concentrate on what we know how to do best, that is, treat car models which are unique in the world with the same care as the prototypes of vintage racing cars.

Here are the steps we follow:

  1. we start by gathering source information: old photographs that show the car in races, exhibitions, historical books;

  2. we begin to interpret what we have managed to collect: here the source information is essential for confirming or otherwise our ideas;

  3. we analyze the shapes and proportions of the car’s body and bodywork; Let’s review all its components: which parts are original, have they been rebuilt, which ones don’t even belong to the car?

  4. we define the restoration method specific to this particular Ferrari.

The study of the history of the car and the definition of the structure of the project are crucial: for this reason, these phases could also take a few weeks.

They are necessary for the excellent quality of the restoration, which will take a number of months, a special period in the history of the car during which an ongoing dialogue with the owner of the car is fundamental.

No one knows the true value of classic car restoration better than us: because our mission is, most of all, to contribute to increasing its value.

As we have always done.

Foto credits: Archivio Brandoli

Professionisti del restauro, specialisti sui modelli d’epoca italiani degli anni ’50, ’60, ’70.

We are restoration professionals, specialised in Ferrari models from the ‘50s, ‘60s, and ‘70s.