
Concorso di Modena 2021
6 July 2021 |

Roberto Brandoli was called to act as judge for class 2 and class 4

The Cavallino Classic, which has traditionally been held in Palm Beach in Florida, arrived in Modena with the name “Concorso di Modena”, paying tribute to Enzo Ferrari’s city of birth. 

And the Brandoli team were present! 

The first edition of the Concorso di Modena was held from 2 to 4 July 2021 at Casa Maria Luigia, the guest house of Massimo Bottura and Lara Gilmore, nestling in the Modena countryside. 

Roberto Brandoli was called by Emiliano Torkar, Chief Concorso Judge, to act as judge for class 2 (Luxury road cars) and class 4 (performance) in the group with Adolfo Orsi (chief class judge) and Giordano Diena (class judge).

The cars judged in the group were: 

  • Ferrari 333 SP, #06, 1994
  • Ferrari 512 BBLM, #31589, 1980
  • Ferrari 250 Europa, #0303, 1954
  • Ferrari 250 GT Cabriolet, #0735, 1957
  • Ferrari 250 California, #0769, 1957
  • Ferrari 410 Superamerica, #1265, 1959
  • Ferrari 400 Superamerica, #5139, 1964

“The cars were carefully chosen: I found them all interesting from a conservation and restoration point of view. Modena is the place where the Ferraris were born: a prestigious event like the Concorso di Modena is what has been missing and it’s something we’ve long hoped for”.

"Cavallino Classic is more than an event, it's the detsination for Ferrari enthusiast that has given me the possibility of meeting collectors of classic Ferraris, and of spreading the word about Brandoli in the United States. The events organized by John and Alicia Barnes have been crucial for my professional development and I will definitely go back soon to the famous Breakers lawn. The Concorso di Modena broadens the Cavallino Experience, now under the Italian management of Canossa Event”.

From left John Barnes, Alicia Barnes, and Cecilia Brandoli at Concorso di Modena 2021

Photo/video credits: Archivio Brandoli and Canossa Events

Professionisti del restauro, specialisti sui modelli d’epoca italiani degli anni ’50, ’60, ’70.

We are restoration professionals, specialised in Ferrari models from the ‘50s, ‘60s, and ‘70s.